Having a car is a godsend down at HQ these days. It beats standing in the cold and rain, although we still do! It's nice to have the option of shelter though, and we can take turns in and out of the car.
Today is another on/off day as far as the weather goes, but we have become resigned to it. The sun, when it shines, is warm and pleasant, but it stutters from behind clouds and the wind is occasionally bitter.
As we wait, we see people coming and going from the studio, and this is when Sue admits that she feels something. She has a knot in her stomach and says that she had a feeling that Bono was around. Not here necessarily, but in Dublin. But today, watching the people emerging to go to the new Spar shop up the street (to fetch coffee and sandwiches) there is a flicker in us all.
Our feelings get stronger when Dallas comes out and goes for coffee. It's a great sign that he is here. An old, familiar face to us, a handsome Kentuckian in his late forties, still sandy blond and sunkissed. Always friendly and polite. But today he is quiet and doesn't speak, which is a big surprise! Usually, he is the one approaching, chatting away with his pleasant drawl.
Before long, Adam arrives, and it is great to see him, as always. He has a glow about him, which I believe comes from being comfortable in his own skin, which seems to have happened to him in later years. A happiness pervades him, and he is always tanned and healthy looking these days. His grey hair suits him, makes him look distinguished and "bright". His smile is always broad, and it is today.
He allows us to take some pictures, and I get the most wonderful one of him. He is signing my notebook and looks up directly into my camera with the cutest smile. After a very brief few words he is off inside and we are left with an empty street again. It was so nice to see him though.
Two more cars arrive a little while later, but they go directly into the garage and it closes, so we don't get to see who it was. Time is moving on, and we start to talk about leaving. It is very breezy and we are starting to get hungry.
We are standing across the street, propped up against a wall and trying to shelter ourselves from the wind behind a large white van which is parked there. I start to feel fed up, and am tired of huddling into my jacket and trying to look like I am supposed to be there! Just then, I hear: "Hello!" I don't react immediately. None of us does. We can't see anyone and the voice seems to be coming from nowhere.
I look up, in the general direction of the voice, and have to crane around the parked van. And there, across the street, standing in the doorway, is Bono! He is leaning against the doorframe, casually, coolly, and is smiling an elfin smile that is inviting us over!
Later, we will laugh about this "miraculous appearance". If anyone has seen the TV show "Ruddy Hell, It's Harry and Paul" starring Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, this put us in mind of that. They do a sketch each week - a skit on Bono and Edge - and at the start of each sketch, Whitehouse's Edge opens the door to Enfield's Bono, and there is always swirling mist and a God-like light in the doorway as "Bono" walks through!
There isn't a light or a mist now, of course, but there may as well be!
Eventually, we get ourselves together enough to approach the patiently waiting Bono, and we ask how he is; tell him he is looking well. He is. He is wearing dark jeans and a dark denim shirt (the flap on the right-hand breast pocket of the shirt is permanently up, as if it is much used for putting things in and getting them out!), and his hair is very closely cropped.
There is something surreal about seeing Bono and I think this whenever I see him. My mind can't get around the fact that this man in front of me is the man appearing on the TV all the time, in various parts of the world with this leader or that. Talking of serious things. Making a difference. And then standing here in front of me, looking ordinary, like any man, everyman, but also like Bono - a special human being who gives his time to such important things and then gives his time to me and my friends, like that means something to him too. And I suppose it does. Because deep down (well actually not too deep down) he is still Paul from Cedarwood Road who had his ambitions and his heroes, and who maybe still understands why we are here no matter how much he claims not to.
Anyway.... I ask him if it is okay if I video for a few minutes.
"I don't like it," he says, and then goes on to explain that it makes it hard for him to spend time talking to the people he wants to talk to. Since the internet, when people can just post the videos on youtube, it takes away from the "intimate moments."
"And we've had many!" he says, leaning forward with a glint in his eye.
He asks us about our trip - how long we are in Dublin for and what we are getting up to this week. It's not an unusual question. Bono always asks us this. But for some reason, this time we have trouble answering.
"Erm," I say...
"Well," says Sue.
Bono's gaze is flicking between the two of us. Dianne tries something...
"Erm" she says...
"You're making this up as you go along aren't you?" Bono accuses, which we quickly deny.
Dianne manages to tell him we went to Brittas Bay yesterday. This appeases him for a moment as he tells us he loves it there. But he is still determined to get us to say more, because I am sure he can sense the reticence in us. He is right. We are very reticent, because in our minds, all we can focus on is Thursday, and the fact that we are going to be spending a night in the penthouse at The Clarence. His hotel. I think our reluctance to tell him is in some way due to the fact that the night we are there happens to be his birthday. We are celebrating Dianne's birthday on that night. It's not the actual date of her birthday, but that seemed the perfect time to celebrate it.
Anyway, by this time, Sue is taking a picture of Bono, and I ask her - out of the corner of my mouth - "Shall I tell him about Thursday, Sue?"
"Yes, go on then." She utters this out of the corner of her mouth and from behind her camera, which I am sure she is only using as a shield so that Bono's penetrating eyes cannot see her face! We bravely look at Bono and his face is a picture - full of curiosity and so intrigued as he watches our exchange! It is hilarious.
"What's happening Thursday?" he asks.
I tell him. At last! It is off my chest. Phew!
"Oh wow!" he says, genuinely impressed. "You dirty girls! You dirty, dirty girls."
Now, having Bono call you a dirty girl is not something that happens every day, and it is amusing and kind of nice. A typically Irish reaction if you ask me. He tells us we will have a wonderful time. Sue tells him that we saved for a long time for it and that it is for a special occasion - Dianne's birthday. He wishes her Happy Birthday.
I ask him what he will be doing on Thursday and he looks at me blankly. "On your birthday," I remind him.
"Oh gosh, yes of course! I had forgotten."
"You could always have a drink with us in the penthouse." Worth a try, I figure! I am only joking of course, and I am sure Bono knows this. Whether he does or not, he is the perfect gentleman and doesn't flinch as he says:
"That would be nice. I usually go to the penthouse on my birthday, but you beat me to it." He is teasing me.
He signs things for us in his usual Bono-stream-of-consciousness way. In my notebook he writes: "Back In Dirty Dublin With A Clean Cut" and hands it back. Then he takes it from me again a little while later and starts to scribble something. It turns out to be a drawing... a street, a doorway and two stick figures. One is obviously female.. rather buxom looking actually! The other seems to have a big bottom....
"That's us standing in the doorway," he explains. "Isn't it amazing?" Meaning, tongue firmly in his cheek, that it is amazing that he can just produce that kind of fine art at the drop of a hat!
When he writes in Sue's book he suddenly stops writing and looks at her. And looks at her. And carries on for what seems ages... just him and his eyes and a look on his face like he is grasping for something that has escaped him. Sue squirms.
"What?!" she demands. Just like that, and it is really funny! He has her rattled and very puzzled as to why he is just staring at her like that. And who can blame her for feeling exposed? Being the victim of Bono's intense gaze can leave you feeling that way.
He doesn't answer and still he is staring! Maybe he is searching for inspiration, I suggest. Or maybe, her name?
"Sue." Sue says. Maybe he thinks he has forgotten it.
Bono resumes his scribbling, and at the bottom of it, he writes "Sue" and then "Sorry" in front of it. An apology for putting her on the spot and subjecting her to whatever was in his mind at that moment. Who knows with Bono?! He never did really explain.
A few minutes more in his company and then it is time to say goodbye. Before he leaves, he wishes Dianne a Happy Birthday again.
And he is gone, leaving us smiling and giddy like he always does. It is always so amazing to talk to Bono. Never have I known him to be anything other than friendly, good-humoured, courteous and extremely funny. I think he genuinely likes talking to us. We've been around for years, and he knows that. He often initiates chats and always encourages us to approach or approaches himself.
We've had some very good times in his company. Like he put it himself: some nice, intimate moments. Those we will always treasure, and respect them for what they are.
So... we leave HQ and head towards Fitzpatrick's Castle in Killiney, where we eat afternoon tea (delicious salmon sandwiches, yummy cakes and lovely hot tea!) and reflect on the day. We all agree that this encounter has made our trip to Dublin even more perfect. Going to the penthouse will be fantastic enough, but now we will have the memory of this day to make it even more special.
I settle into my high backed winged chair. The room here at Fitzpatrick's is large and full of people, many of them indulging in afternoon tea, like us. I am now feeling happy, warm and full and I don't want to move. However, I get up to take a picture through the window, which frames a breathtaking vista of pale blue/grey water and hills beyond. The sky is slightly dull and clouded, but appears brighter because of the green in the foreground of my view. Green, always green. It never tires.
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