I've been reading snippets from the interview for weeks (most of them, it has to be said, reported totally out of context on "scary fan" sites and other sites) but only read it in full yesterday when the magazine finally hit the shelves. Now, it has taken on a whole new colour and I love the way the writers (each band member was interviewed by a different journalist) have allowed the real people to come through and have not tried to mask their characters or make them appear what they are not. The focus was very much on the speaker and each interviewer was informed and respectful.
So what are my thoughts after reading this article - which was heralded with the mind-blowingly exciting front page headline: "U2 are back"? Er... I am scared witless, and I don't know if I can explain why. I'll give it a go though....
Everything has always been so predictable U2-wise. I don't mean their music... that is always a surprise, even though they have sometimes taken the safe way home instead of thumbing a lift with a stranger! (I'm talking about the last two albums which, though showing several sparks of genius, did not - for me - show them at their most dangerous best).
What I mean by predictable is their working format. Their office hours if you like. Album and tour every four years, give or take, with the occasional foray into something extra-curricular. And I kind of always know how I am going to feel. I am going to love the album no matter what. I might hate some of the tracks, but that's okay. Even with family members and close friends you have things you might not like (the way they snore or kick you in bed for instance - it's not always a deal-breaker). And I will love the tour. I will bask in their U2-ness and drink in the atmosphere, and lose myself in the songs, and sit on pavements with friends after and marvel at their genius. I'll cry at some point during a gig. I always know this. It always comes to pass.
But today, sitting here on the first day of 2009 - the first day of the year that will be U2's -I am not so sure of anything any more. Because for some reason, this album means more. This album is the most important one. Forget The Joshua Tree, forget Achtung Baby... this is the one.
Because now, more than ever, U2 have something to prove. And they don't necessarily need to prove it to me, but they seem to need to prove it to themselves, and to the nay sayers (of whom there are plenty) who will give anything to see U2 fail and shoot themselves in the foot, and produce a flop of a record.
And that kind of pressure is scary, and I feel it for them. And I so, so want the album to be brilliant. I want to listen to my heart which - after reading all the talk about the songs - kind of knows it will be.
But I am terrified that it won't.
So we'll see. Hopefully I will be going to Sue's place in Carlisle at the beginning of March for our own little "Release Party" with our friend Dawn. Let's hope that when we open that bottle of champagne it won't be to blot out the pain, but to toast the fact that U2 do, in fact, own 2009.
i know what you mean, it's like if i don't LOVE it i won't be mad, i'll be sad. and too much hype always freaks me out. plus, i have been disappointed by much of their recent stuff. my standard for them is waaay to high. like if it doesn't change my life, it is not as good as i know it can be. impossible task!
but it would probably be wise to just be optimistic instead.
anyway ... looking forward to 2009. cheers!
I feel much the same. I don't want the "safety" of the last two albums, I want them to stretch me, even to shock me. And it looks like they know they need to do something different from what they are saying. I don't think we will be crying in that champagne on March 2nd.
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