Monday 13 March 2006

Monday Musings About U2 and Snow

Don't know what it is about Monday, but it seems the favourite day for me to do a Blog. Maybe it's a reflection thing after the weekend. My weekend was busy as usual. I almost got my husband to go and look at new computers, but we had to pay the deposit for our holiday in Greece in September, so the idea got pushed aside. I think it was the wrong time when he had his wallet out for something else!

Anyway, on to the reason for writing this Blog today. My thoughts have been with U2 for the most part, since the announcement about postponing the end of the tour. Nothing has officially been stated (at last checking) but many people have naturally assumed that Edge's daughter, who has been ill for a while, is the family member in question. One can only imagine what the family must be going through, and I am sure that all of you are thinking of those affected. It just goes to show at times like this that no amount of money and fame can stop things like this happening, and it might do us all good to reflect on the good things we have in our lives, and not take them for granted - or wish for things we can't have. Because at the end of the day, what is important is close family and friends - material things are worth nothing when it just comes down to you and your destiny, for want of a better word. Or you and your god, if that is what you believe in. Whatever force it is in life that determines these things (and there are many theories and this is not the place to discuss them), the only defence we have against them is to live a good and decent life; try to be kind and fair to people; and not knowingly or unnecessarily hurt those around us. Keep your friends and loved ones close, and respect your enemies.

Wow.. that is deep for a Monday. I think we need a lighter note here....This Friday is mine and Northern Star's trip to Glasgow to see NU2. I was panicking this morning because there are 2 inches of snow in Carlisle and 8 inches in Glasgow, and we have to get between the two places via public transport, which we all know is not the best when the weather is extreme. The trains slow down if there is the "wrong kind of snow" on the track... and goodness only knows if National Express coaches will be able to function if the driver has to wear a scarf and gloves!!

I wrote to Alan, aka Boner (lead singer with NU2) and told him of my worries. His response? He told me not to "go all English" on him and assured me that it snows in Scotland all the time, even in the summer. So that's all right then!!! Ha ha. Panic over. We'll see.

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