Saturday 24 January 2009

A productive day... without "Boots"

Okay, today I have not listened to "Get on Your Boots"... or GOYB as we should maybe call it, just to fall in with the trend of using acronyms (the only thing wrong with using acromyms is that U2 song titles are often so long that I am constantly saying: "Huh?" when reading them!!)..

Anyway, today has been a day free of the new U2 single. And there are two reasons for that. The first is that when I am listening to it, I fall into an hypnotic reverie, full of visions of how the next tour will look and sound, and how Bono will look onstage with his short hair these days, and what outfits he will wear and who he will "be".

I go off into raptures listening to Edge's guitar and Larry's drums. God, those drums hammer you to death right from the start (or "rip a hole in your face" as fellow blogger, Cara, says. I think that is a priceless description and so true!). I float away on Bono's voice, and swim in all the mad images this song brings to my mind. I see leather jackets, funfairs with wild and crazy rides, catwalks with long legged models parading up and down in thigh length boots, Moroccan towns shimmering in the heat ... I also hear the theme tune to "Joe 90" in the guitar in the middle. Crazy!

And I can't afford to do this daydreaming, because I have a book to write.

The second reason is that I don't want to get fed up of the song... I want to hunger for it, and love it every time I hear it. I waited for so long for it that I don't want to kill it in just one week. LOL So, I am limiting myself.

It's good for my writing if nothing else.

Today I had a really good day, in that I found a way to write something that I had been puzzling over for days! Things are coming along really well.

So I should get back to it. But first... maybe just ONE listen to Boots? Ha ha.

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